—DHCP for VOIP Done for each VLAN/subnet

show ip dhcp binding //see ips being issued

1. Exclude your static IP’s

ip dhcp exclude-address <begining IP> <end ip>

2. Create your scope for each vlan

ip dhcp pool <NAME>

network <IP> <Subnet>

dns-server <DNS IP>

option 150 <TFTP Server> //some brands use option 66

3. IP-helper address

If the DHCP server lies on another subnet, (not in the same broadcast domain)

Then under the interface we need to specify where to direct DHCP requests.

int fa1/1

ip-helper address <IP of DHCP Server>


//Setup a router to recieve the time from the internet

ip dns-lookup <DNS server ip>

ntp <NTP internet IP>

Clock timezone <+8>

//Setup router to be NTP Server

Conf t

NTP Master

Ntp access-group <ACL> //permit your local traffic only.

—Configuring UCME

Conf telephoney-service //Enter the VOIP mode

moh //music on hold

keepalive //how long before timed out

Dial-peers //when dialing an external number how does the manager know where to send calls.


Phones known which ephone they are by finding there MAC address in the ephone table

MAC can be found under “settings->network conf” if sticker is unreadable.

show ephones      //see registered phones

ephone <number>   //modify values for phone 40

MAC <MAC>         //set the MAC of the ephone

button <x>:<ephone-dn>  //button number x = login to ephone-dn number

<restart/reset> //warm/cold boot phone


Are the numbers the phone will use. single line means that only 1 call can be recieved

before a caller recieves the busy tone. Dual line is used for conferencing, call waiting,

transfer speaking ect.

sh | section ephones-dn //see hunt groups, 1 number can make 2 phones ring

ephone-dn <number> dual line  // modify/create number values

number <XXXX>   //set the number on the phone.

number <xxxx> secondard <number> //secondary is to set the outside line number.

—button command.

different syntax for button command. <<button number:ephone-dn number>>

The “:” can be changed for

“b” you wont hear phone ring. still get call waiting beep.

“f” Cherp ringtone

“m” Monitor mode, used for receptionists, to see if a line is on a call

“w” watch mode if any line on a phone is in use, receptionist or person can see. like m mode.

“s” no ring. silent

—Shared numbers

Senerio 1: All phones ring, then line cannot be used

You can have multiple phones use 1 number by doing the following

1. Creating a shared ephone-dn + number

ephone-dn 10

number 1111

2. using the button command to give each phone the seond number

ephone 1


button 4:10

ephone 2


button 4:10

This is not ideal, as only 1 person can make a call from this shared DN at a time.

Multiple people cannot take new calls coming in. Might be good for a senerio where,

you only have 3 PSTN lines and you dont want to be able to utilize more that the 3 PSTN lines.

Additional calls go to the person already on a call

Senerio 2: Random distribution of calls. Only rings on 1 phone, additional calls can come in.

1. Create multiple ephone-dns

ephone-dn 10

number 1111

ephone-dn 11

number 1111

2. link each ephone to a differnt dn

ephone 1


button 4:10

ephone 2


button 4:11

This style is truely random who will recieve the call. you can use the preference command

to dictate who will always recieve the first call, and then who will recieve the second call

if the first one is busy. It is recomended that you set single line not Dual line for the ephone-dn as additional calls coming in will queue at the first person.

//Set the phone preference to 0. Will always ring first

ephone-dn 10

peference 0 

//set the phone preference to 1. Will ring second

ephone-dn 11

preference 1

If you want to have all the feature of dual-line, however you dont want calls to queue for 1 person with the lower preference, we use huntstop.Default preference of 0.

//once i get 1 call further calls go to the next person.

ephone-dn 10 dual line

number XXXX

preference 0

hunstop channel //stops calls from rolling over to second line.

no huntstop

//set this on the last person to say give a call busy/VM there is no more people in the group

ephone-dn 11 dual-line

number XXXX

preference 1

huntstop channel

//notice there is no command “No huntstop”

—Call overlay

To overcome the problems with multiple lines for multiple people we use call overlay.

this essentially means that the calls come in, both ring and additional calls ring the phones

which are not on a call

ephone-dn 10 <NOT DUAL-LINE>

number XXX1 //same number

preference 0

no hunstop

ephone-dn 11 <NOT DUAL-LINE>

number XXX1 //same number

preference 1


ephone 8

button 1o10,11  //No call waiting

ephone 9

button 1o10,11 //No call waiting

If you would still like to get call waiting with the non Dual-line configuration

you can use the “c” button command to get the preference 0 devices first to get a call in the queue

example same as above configuration but ephone looks like this. Do not use with DUAL-line.

ephone 8

button 1c10,11

—Auto registration

By default phones when booting up register to the CME device.

can be seen with the show ephone command when plugged in.

//To turn off auto registration from plugged in ephones

conf t


no auto-reg-ephone

This can be good when you are searching for an ephone from the “show ephone command’

Rather than picking through to find the ephone, turn off auto-reg. then use the command

show ephone attempted-registrations

—Automatically get a ephone-dn

coupled with the ephone auto-registration you can get new phones to automatically recieve an


conf t


auto assign <start ephone-dn> to <end ephone-dn>

—Setting up CCP

There are 2 flavours of CCP, Express which is stored on the router flash and gives minimal configuration

and CCP which is larger installed on the pc.

1. Download CCP of cisco website

2. prep the router for CCP

Conf t

ip http server             //enable http

ip http secure-server      //enable https

ip http authentication local  //authenication will be found locally

//Create the username

username <username> privilege 15 secret 0 <password>

//Configure VTY lines

line vty 0 4

privilege level 15

login local

transport input telnet

transport input telnet ssh


—Setting up a phone in CCP

1. Under the configuration tabs decide if this will be a CME or CM device.

Configuration -> Unified Communications -> Unified communications features

2. Select the tab below and fill out the details.

Configuration -> Unified Communications -> Telephoney settings

3. Create the Phone, enter MAC +

Configuration -> Unified Communications -> Users + Phones and Extensions -> Phones -> Create

4. Create the extensions

Configuration -> Unified Communications -> Users + Phones and Extensions -> extensions -> Create

5. Create the Users

Configuration -> Unified Communications -> Users + Phones and Extensions -> Users -> Create

Ties in the phone and extension information to the user.

—CCP Features

//Directory services

To add in a number to the global address book, that is a FAX machine or non created extension

CCP Web interface -> Configuration -> Unfied communications -> Telephone features -> Directory Services -> Create

//Call Forwarding.

To setup call forwarding

CCP web interface-> Configuration -> Unified communications -> users + Phones and Extensions -> Extensions -> go to Advanced tab on ext.

usually when busy divert calls to XXXX is the voicemail number.

//Enable international/external transfers

CCP -> Configuration -> Unified communications -> Advanced Telephony Settings -> Transfer pattern tab-> add

<external number>……… Where the “.” = a wildcard that can be used

example 0……..      //In this example 8 digit transfering is allowed.

//Call park is the ability to place a call on extension 1151 for example then poeple can dial extension 1151 to speak to person X.

CCP-> Configuration -> Unified Comms -> Telephone Features -> Call park

//Call pickup is the ability to have a group, if the phone rings for someone else in the group, a user within the group can hit the

call pickup button and answer a ringing phone of someone else in the group

CCP -> Configuration -> Unified Comms -> Telephone Features -> Call Pickup.

//Intercom. This is the ability to create a link between two phones where upon pressing the button, on the other end they are immediately

on speaker. Might be used between a boss and her secretary. Default the person needs to press the button to speak 2 way.

CCP -> Configuration -> Unified Comms -> Telephone Features -> Intercom


CME IP Phone

Boot process

1. Phone detecting power (Check for lights on the phone)

2. software image. Can re-download image wth hold # on boot then 123456789#

3. Switch provide vlan information using CDP (Check from settings the vlan information) preform RESET PHONE to get new vlan information

4. Phone sends DHCP Request, Recieved IP and TFTP INFO

5. Phone contacts TFTP SErver and retrieves config

6. Phone contacts CME router listed in Config File

(DBconfig information rejected means that the CME server does not have ephone + MAC listed)

Dial-Plan issues

1. turn on debugging terminal monitor

2. debug voip dialpeer //see everything thats happening.

MAtch = xx see which dialpeer is being matched

—Reset/Factory restore 7960

  1. Unplug the power cable from the ip phone and then plug it back in.
  2. Immediately press and hold # and when the HeadsetMute and Speaker buttons begin to flash in sequence, release the # button.
  3. At this point, you’ll notice the HeadsetMute and Speaker buttons flash in sequence, indicating that the ip phone is waiting for you to enter the reset sequence.
  4. Press 123456789*0#  to begin the reset. If you accidently press a key within the sequence twice e.g 1123456789*0#, the ip phone will still accept the code and begin the reset. If an invalid key is pressed, the phone will continue its normal startup procedure.
  5. Once the correct key sequence is entered, the ip phone will display the following prompt:  Keep network cfg? 1 = yes 2 = no 
  6. To maintain the current network configuration settings for the phone when the phone resets, press 1. To reset the network configuration settings when the phone resets, press 2. If you press another key or do not respond to this prompt within 60 seconds, the phone continues with its normal startup process and does not reset. Otherwise, the phone goes through the factory reset process

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