Making 2 root domain controllers trust each other only grants them access to each other and not the children sub-domains. //Configuration 1.Open the DNS manager on the first server Expand the Forward Lookup Zones, right click on the primary zone (e.g. domain1.local) and click properties. Go to the zone transfers section and configure the server […]
Basic activities are executed through You might login to a black screen in windows core. Control + Alt + Del -> Launch taskmanager -> New process “cmd.exe” or powershell.exe //Enable remote Powershell Running unsigned powershell scripts
—Digitally signed kernel-mode Drivers By default you can only use signed drivers by Microsoft (Stable) To install drivers that are not signed -F8 -Advanced boot options -Disable driver signature enforcement
——————PDC Emulator——————- //Change PDC Emulator Active directory users and computer -> Change Domain controller -> Operations master -> PDC communicates with pre NT 4.0 domain machines [1]. Act as the central time sync authority within an AD forest (this only applies to the PDC FSMO in the forest root AD domain) [2] Any password changes […]
——————RID————-//Change RIDActive directory users and computer -> Change Domain controller -> Operations master -> RIDAllocates ID RID pools to different domain controllers which are used identifier numbers for SID objects in AD/GPO’sOne Master in each domain.
—————–Active directory Schema role —————-Bare bones attributes for AD objects//Change the master for the roleInstall the roleCMD -> regsvr32 schmmgmt.dllMMC -> Add ->Active direcory schemaChange domain controller -> Operations master -> Change
—————Infrastructure//Change Infrastructure roleActive directory users and computer -> Change Domain controller -> Operations master -> InfrastructureEnsures consistancy of inter-domain objects. For example if we rename a user in another domain theDN is no longer valid, infrastructure role will recitify this.Only 1 master per domain – should not be global Catalogue server unless all DC’s in […]