—Install PHPipam sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo service apache2 restart apt install libapache2-mod-php php-curl apt install libapache2-mod-php php-gmp sudo apt-get install php sudo a2enmod rewrite apt-get install mysqld mysql_secure_installation ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘Passworrd’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; —Create a loopback ifconfig lo:0 netmask up —www.webmin.com GUI For LAMP —-Initialise mysql Installation […]
BAUD 38400 —Show interfaces display interface brief admin <PASSWORD> 2. xtd-cli-mode to restore the default 3.password foes-bent-pile-atom-ship —Enable mode system-view Re: HP 1950 JG961A “xtd-cli-mode” Hello.I’m here, thinking…What is the purpose of this password?That’s absolutely ridiculous.The password needed take away my freedom to configure advanced resources in the equipment that I bought to this purpose.Please […]
—-IPSEC Neogiation protocol – AH,ESP,ESP + AH //which IPSEC encyption,authenication,proteection used encryption – DES, 3DES, AES, RSA, DH //scramble data Authenication – MD5, SHA1 //makes sure keys go to person X. Protection – DH1,2,5,7 —-2 modes of VPN Transport – Can be used on the internal LAN environment to […]
1. Install Java 6u26 + Cisco ADSM to machineTFTP the adsm.bin file to the flash of the ASA router Set the ip of the interfaceconf tint gig0ip addnameif inside//higher is less secureno sh Prepare the ASA for ASDM hostname ASAdomain-name CISCOhttp server enablehttp inside //allowed networks to accessusername USERNAME password CISCO priv 15asdm […]
—vPC Allows ether-channel between 2 different devices to communicate at the same time to a single device. Layer 2 protocol //show vpc brief Nexus 7K A feature vpc vpc domain 5 peer-switch int eth3/25 no switch no shut ip add vpc domain 5 peer-keepalive destination source vrf default int port 20 […]
————–BGP————- feature BGP router bgp 65000 template peer-session SESSION neighbour remote-as 65000 inherit peer-session SESSION address-family ipv4 unicast Router bgp 65000 template peer-policy POLICY neighbour remote-as 65000 address-family ipv4 unicast inherit peer-policy POLICY 1 Router bgp 65000 address-family ipv4 unicast network mask —FEX Fabric Extender FEX is a technology where you […]
—-Upgrading a Nexus———————— –Check BGP neighbors–Check OSPF Neighbors–Dump route table–VPC’s–VLANs–Port-channels and status–show interface status 2. Save configuration– copy running start. Backup config for NX-OS– copy startup-config tftp:// 5. Copy the EPLD + NX-OS image file to bootflashcopy SCP:// bootflash://n9000-epld.9.3.7.imgcopy SCP:// bootflash://nxos.9.3.7.bin 6. Verify MD5 Checksum -show file bootflash://sup-local/nxos.9.3.7.bin md5sum-show file bootflash://sup-local/n9000-epld.9.3.7.img md5sum 7. Determine if […]
—-Spanning treeBride ID = Priority.MACIF LINK COST = SameHIGHER BRIDGE ID switches port is blockedUnder show spanning-treeroot id = information about root bridgebridge id = current device//set spanning-tree priorityconf tspanning-tree vlan 1 priority //ORspanning-tree vlan 1 root primary//portfast is used for ports that connect computers + router, stops a port from blocking.// DO NOT USE […]
———VTPNOTE: //200/300 PC’s per broadcast domain. //configure trunk ports between switches. Required for VTP traffic//also required to send packets out the same vlan on another switchint fa0/1//may need encapsulation setswitport trunk encapsulation dot1q//set port to trunkswitchport mode trunk//configure ports that will have pc’s plugged inint range fa0/1 – 24switchport mode accessconf tvtp domain [name]vtp password […]
—–OSPFrouter ospf [process ID] ! CAN Be DIFFERENT to a neighbour]network [ip] [wildcard] area [X] !’TURN ON FOR THIS INT, “ADVERTISE THIS LINK” 0 is backbone [router with with default route to share]conf trouter osfp [Process ID]default-information originate summary routesrouter ospf [process]network [ip] wilcard area 1 ‘setting up the router as an ABR, where the […]