Archives :

  • Ruckus Wireless Bridge – Default IP and Password

    Default IP Root  Default IP non-Root Default password username : super password : sp-admin

  • Visual Studio Charts

    you should use the “Manage NuGet Packages” command from PROJECT menu, and install the “WinForms.DataVisualization” package. Then you can drag the Chart control from Toolbox.

  • Windows 10 – Auto Log Off

    My computer auto logs off CMD Administrator= powercfg -attributes SUB_SLEEP 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0 -ATTRIB_HIDE Control panel now under sleep has system unattended loggoff

  • Microsoft Server – DNS

    —Recursive lookup DNS server, resolve this NSLOOKUP on behalf of the client. Resolve . Resolvce .com Resolve Resolve —Authoritive zone DNS server hosting that domain name —Conditional Forwarders For specfic domain name spaces, we can say Hosts using this DNS server resolve to DNS server x.x.x.x directly. Manual metheod Conditional forwarders are used […]

  • DHCP – Windows / Cisco

    —–Export all leases netsh dhcp server dump > test.csv —Subnet delay in milliseconds If you have 2 DHCP Servers, you can make the secondary one have a 10ms delay this will mean that the primary server always responds to the Broadcast DORA. —Parent Domain Automatically add the domain name when accessing server hostnames eg. […]

  • Dell switches

    Create a VLAN Test-dell#configure terminal Test-dell(conf) #interface vlan 100 Test-dell(conf) #description Test-Vlan Test-dell(conf) #end Test-dell#show vlan Assign a VLAN to a port Test-dell#configure terminal Test-dell(conf) #interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/2 Test-dell(conf-if-te-1/2)#switchport Test-dell(conf-if-te-1/2)#no shutdown Test-dell(conf-if-te-1/2)#exit Test-dell(conf) #interface vlan 100 Test-dell(conf-if-vl-100)# untagged tengigabitethernet ½ Test-dell(conf) #end Test-dell#show vlan Trunk Port (Tagged) Test-dell#configure terminal Test-dell(conf) #interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/2 Test-dell(conf-if-te-1/2)#switchport Test-dell(conf-if-te-1/2)#no […]

  • Cumulus

    —-Default username password user: cumulus password: cumulus Older than 4.1 –Creating a loopback /etc/cumulus/ports.conf 8=loopback Makes port 8 a loopback cumulus@switch:~$ sudo systemctl restart switchd.service Any changes to a .conf file requres the restart switchd.service Restarting the switchd service causes all network ports to reset in addition to resetting the switch hardware configuration. —Save changes […]

  • Cisco Nexus – ACI APIC

    Even if every APIC in the Cluster goes down, there will be no impact to the production traffic. This is because the Forwarding plane is handled by the nodes, and the control plane will be offline with APIC. Unlike CatOS, where everything is allowed by default. Nexus must be configured to allow all destinations. Usually […]

  • Troubleshooting Cisco 1815i WAP 1100

    ///Configure default settings Default credentials to login Cisco or cisco Cisco or cisco Other Models admin admin QUIT Shell Control + a +q hw-module session 0/3 apciscoshell enable ap-type capwap interface Wlan-GigabitEthernet0/1/8  switchport access vlan 100  switchport mode access  spanning-tree portfast //Reset CAPWAP Config capwap ap erase all Connect to a wireless controller

  • Cisco BAUD Password Reset ROMMON

    How to Simulate a Break Key Sequence Break key sequence simulation is useful if your terminal emulator  does not support the break key, or if a bug does not allow your terminal  emulator to send the correct signal. Note: The hyperterminal under Windows NT had this behavior in the past. Complete these steps to simulate […]