—Digitally signed kernel-mode Drivers By default you can only use signed drivers by Microsoft (Stable) To install drivers that are not signed -F8 -Advanced boot options -Disable driver signature enforcement
——————PDC Emulator——————- //Change PDC Emulator Active directory users and computer -> Change Domain controller -> Operations master -> PDC communicates with pre NT 4.0 domain machines [1]. Act as the central time sync authority within an AD forest (this only applies to the PDC FSMO in the forest root AD domain) [2] Any password changes […]
——————RID————-//Change RIDActive directory users and computer -> Change Domain controller -> Operations master -> RIDAllocates ID RID pools to different domain controllers which are used identifier numbers for SID objects in AD/GPO’sOne Master in each domain.
—————–Active directory Schema role —————-Bare bones attributes for AD objects//Change the master for the roleInstall the roleCMD -> regsvr32 schmmgmt.dllMMC -> Add ->Active direcory schemaChange domain controller -> Operations master -> Change
—————Infrastructure//Change Infrastructure roleActive directory users and computer -> Change Domain controller -> Operations master -> InfrastructureEnsures consistancy of inter-domain objects. For example if we rename a user in another domain theDN is no longer valid, infrastructure role will recitify this.Only 1 master per domain – should not be global Catalogue server unless all DC’s in […]